Friday, 20 November 2015

Albert Cyprys: How Important is it to get an Internship?

It is becoming increasingly clear that whilst a good degree is important, it has significantly less value without relevant experience. Albert Cyprys graduated first with a degree and then with a Masters in Accounting from Fairfield University in 2015, and is convinced that being an intern to gain relevant experience is what made the difference in his being able to gain permanent paid employment in his chosen profession since graduating.

Analysts report that graduates who may have worked hard in their studies and obtained great grades, but worked their holidays in non-profession related employment such as bars or shops, did not, on the whole, obtain the best jobs on offer to graduates. 

Employers are increasingly demanding that applicants demonstrate that they have relevant experience before they will offer any role even if they have an application studded with an exemplary academic record from a top-tier university and a first-class degree.

Taking part in paid or unpaid work placements or internships whilst still studying will differentiate that candidate in the selection process to such an extent that those without such experience may not even be considered for an interview.

With many more graduates entering the workplace, it is clear that candidates have to work harder to stand out, and internships become increasingly sought after. Therefore, as an undergraduate you must plan that work experience aspect of studies carefully and in good time, to give yourself the very best chance of gaining employment in your chosen field.

Albert Cyprys certainly feels that being as rounded an individual as possible through his experience, volunteering, and sports alongside his good grades made a positive difference for him.

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Albert Cyprys - Playing Sport Can Make for Better Grades

Albert Cyprys is a graduate of Fairfield University obtaining his Masters in Accounting in 2015, and his degree in 2014 with a major in Accounting and minor in economics. Throughout his time at University Albert maintained an active lifestyle, playing tennis, soccer, and skateboarding amongst other activities, even though the academic workload was significant. He feels that this was a benefit to his studies and it would seem that research over recent years supports this view.

In 2011, the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign published the results of a traffic-dodging road crossing experiment where they pitted college athletes from a variety of sports against college students who did not participate in sports.

The results suggested that the student athletes managed crossings better than the non-athletes, and that it did not appear to make a difference as to whether their sport demanded excellent timing and tactical thinking. Researchers felt this strongly indicated that physical activity and training does reshape the brain.

It is hoped to study that outcome in more depth in the future, but it appears that the key point confirms that the route Albert Cyprys took during his studies was a wise choice. Participating in sport, running, tennis, swimming, gymnastics or soccer, whatever you choose, may sharpen concentration and focus. In addition, based on this experiment at least, may mean that you can cross a busy intersection more safely!

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Albert Cyprys - Volunteering for Those in Need

As part of his volunteer activities with the Polish Slavic Center in Brooklyn Albert Cyprys helps to organize lessons for new immigrants to learn English as part of their citizenship application process. By teaching English in the surroundings of the center it offers those studying in a familiar environment can aide the process. It can be daunting especially when they are older for people to master a new language.

Not being able to communicate using the English language can be a huge barrier to social inclusion. Without skills in English to be able to interact outside the home, can mean that immigrants struggle to integrate, often feel socially isolated and it can be very hard to find employment.

The lessons are often based on real-life, as managing ordinary events are essential for the immigrants to learn. Helping them to manage the vocabulary and phrases for day-to-day living, can make a massive difference to their lives and those of their families.

It’s not all about the mundane, talking about cultural things and current news can sometimes spark a lively, fun discussion. It is really important that the pupils can develop the language and gain confidence to make simple conversations and greetings as initial steps in the learning process.

Something that is enjoyable about teaching in your own neighborhood, as Albert Cyprys has discovered is being able to use topics in the lessons that are close to home for everyone, and therefore relevant and interesting to them. They are more familiar and comfortable with the topic and it creates a communal sense of belonging.