Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Albert Cyprys - Carb Cycling Basics

Carb cycling is not a revolutionary diet method, nor is it the be-all, end-all of healthy eating, but it is an effective technique for losing weight nonetheless, one that has helped many people, including Albert Cyprys. What makes carb cycling more and more popular in fitness circles these days is its efficiency, and the fact that it is relatively easy to implement.


The basic concept is very simple. You create a cycle during which three different types days will rotate around each other: high carb days, low carb days, and no carb days. Usually, the three days are cycled equally, a high carb day is always followed by a low carb day, which is then followed by a no carb day. The plan is designed to help fat loss first and foremost, which means that for bulking purposes – when you wish to gain weight – it is probably not ideal.

The General Aspects of the Basic Plan

Carb cycling works best when it’s combined with high protein consumption. If you don’t do any kind of resistance training and you don’t wish to gain muscle, it is still recommended to consume an above average amount of protein, because that way your body will be able to maintain its muscle mass relatively easily.

Carb Consumption

On the high carb days of a carb cycle diet you are allowed to eat 3-4 meals with as much carbs in it as you wish. This implies that you eat normal sized meals and consume carbs that come from good sources (brown rice, sweet potato, etc.). Then on medium days you can eat two meals with carbs, and on the no carb day, you don’t eat any.

Albert Cyprys used this dieting strategy to meet his fitness goals, and he was able to lower his body fat percentage considerably.
