Albert Cyprys has long been committed to his health. As a resident of the worlds largest metropolis – New York City – he faces unique opportunities and obstacles in his devotion to meeting, and surpassing his health goals. As a dedicated bike commuter, he takes full advantage of the various bike routes that help him connect to and from work. Biking provides him with great sightseeing opportunities as well as wonderful cardiovascular workouts.
In addition to bicycling, he also skateboards. He has skateboarded down some of NYC’s most noteworthy streets and avenues, rarely missing the opportunity to turn the ride into a satisfying workout. His passion for recreational activities has helped to integrate cardiovascular exercise into his daily routine.
He has a deep passion for nutrition and fitness and considers regular exercise an integral part of his continued good health. He is always committed to completing his daily work-out routine no matter what challenges or difficulties present themselves. He commits himself to finding enough time to work-out no matter how tight his schedule may be.
A participant and fan of numerous sports, including soccer and basketball, he enjoys spending any spare time participating in sporting games large or small. He has a true appreciation for sports due to their perfect combination of fun, teamwork, and physical activity.
Albert Cyprys is adamant about the significance of exercise when it comes to getting and staying healthy. He incorporates various forms of cardiovascular and muscle-building workouts into his exercise regimen and continues to develop it regularly.