Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Albert Cyprys and Senior Center Volunteering

Albert Cyprys, an active member of his community and title-bearing intramural soccer player, is also a saxophonist and a skateboarding enthusiast. Albert Cyprys has joined the accounting club and the Beta Alpha Psi club at Fairfield University, located in Fairfield, CT, where he is attending college. Giving back to his community and supporting his community are two key values in the life of Albert Cyprys.

Apart from volunteering at his local soup kitchen, playing saxophone in music groups for people to enjoy, riding his skateboard instead of driving, and playing soccer with his friends, Albert Cyprys also volunteers at his local senior center.

Albert Cyprys likes volunteering at senior centers because he gets to share stories with people that have lived in other, interesting times. Albert enjoys hearing stories and experiences from history, and the older times before he was even born.

The elderly folks enjoy talking to young people too. Albert Cyprys has made friends with many of the senior citizens, and the senior centers for which he volunteers much of his time to really appreciate him. These friendships have become invaluable to Albert. Priceless friendships have been made between Albert and the senior citizens at the senior center for which he volunteers. Albert Cyprys enjoys playing board games with many of the senior citizens at the senior center for which he volunteers. 

Albert Cyprys says that volunteering at the senior center is one of the most rewarding experiences he has ever been a part of, and he would highly recommend volunteering at a senior center to anyone who is interested in giving back to their community.