Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Albert Cyprys - Why Choosing an Accounting Major Widens Your Career Choices

When Albert Cyprys chose to first major, and then complete a Masters, in Accounting at Fairfield University. It wasn’t simply because he wanted to work with numbers in his future career. Of course, accounting and other financial degrees do give you knowledge of commerce, accountancy practices and finance, but they also equip you with a wide range of other broader skills that will enhance your career options too. 

Studying accounting disciplines will develop your problem solving, critical thinking and analytical ability as well as your numerical and quantitative skills. You will improve your written and oral communication abilities, become skilled at arguing your case and a better negotiator as a result.
Studying accountancy will also grow your knowledge of global business matters, and how closely entwined are the actions and activities of markets around the world, and how, following the financial market crashes in 2008/9 it is a global challenge to manage and control these markets.

You also learn skills that will help develop entrepreneurship, which is valuable asset to employers looking for employees with potential to help grow and lead their business. Entrepreneurship isn’t only about running your own business it’s about development and growth in many fields.

In the modern world technology, largely, does all the number crunching. The accountant’s role is much more about providing sound analysis, expertise and insights to make those numbers useful and Albert Cyprys as a graduate of Fairfield University, is looking forward to delivering those skills in the workplace. He received his Bachelors of Science in Accounting from Fairfield University in 2014, and his Masters of Science in Accounting, from Fairfield University in 2015.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

How to Be a Competitive Tennis Player

Tennis is a sport that is usually played on a clay court, with one or two people on each side of a net. The court’s painted lines indicate the lines in which the ball should be served and kept in-bounds; and also the boxes where each serve should land after making it across the net. Due to the small amount of players on each side, a good tennis game is highly dependent on the competitive nature of an individual or pair of individuals. Below are some tips on how you can be a more competitive tennis player.
Hit the Ball Hard

By mastering your tennis swing, you will learn to transfer the weight and energy in your body towards the racquet to slam the ball with velocity. Hitting the ball hard will make it travel faster, and therefore more difficult for your opponent to deflect or even catch up with.

Strategic Hitting

Asides from hitting the ball hard, you must also work on hitting the ball in the direction that will be most difficult for your opponent to deflect. This will force your opponent to lunge or dive in one direction; which means if they do return the ball, they still have most likely left a vulnerable point on the court which you can target. There are also times when deciding whether to hit the ball short or long can also make your opponent move the most. The more you make your opponent run around for the ball, the quicker they will tire.

For More Information Visit Here :- Albert Cyprys

Thursday, 1 October 2015

What Makes Soccer Great

Soccer is the most popular sport in the world, and with good reason. Not only is it physically challenging, but the rules are universal and most countries in the world have their own leagues. For professional players, this means that they can essentially be recruited anywhere. This is not only good for the players that they have all this opportunity, but in many ways it is good for the world. The World Cup is a perfect example of the sense of diplomacy that the World Cup creates. Despite political struggles and sometimes even cases of war, two countries will play against each other on a field where those discussions are set aside for the sake of enjoying an authentic moment of competition and sportsmanship between each other.

Besides its diplomatic properties, soccer is also a very low-cost and simple sport to participate in. All you need is a ball and some friends; and from there you can get as creative as necessary to make improvised goals and set up the field. Even professionals don’t use all that much equipment; they have uniforms, cleats, shin guards and socks. It is a widely played sport in part because of its minimal nature, which allows people from impoverished areas to participate and garner the same enjoyment from soccer that the rest of the world does.

Albert Cyprys loves to play soccer. He is involved with an intramural team at his school that has done exceptionally well; and they even recently won the league championship.